VBA PowerPoint Filler Object

The PowerPointFiller object is used to fill bookmarked locations in a PowerPoint presentation. It is added to your VBA project when you create an PowerPoint presentation creation process using Document Creation using Microsoft Access.

VBA PowerPoint template designer
Drag and drop data filler bookmarks on your presentation in the PowerPoint Template Designer

VBA to fill PowerPoint with data from your database

When closing the Template Designer the process wizard uses supplied information to generate VBA code to fill the new PowerPoint presentation, e.g.:

Dim pfr As New PowerpointFiller: Set pfr.Presentation = prs
pfr.FillElement Bookmark:="Usage", Value:=ControlValue(control:=![Usage])
pfr.AddHyperlink Bookmark:="Hyperlinkintextbox", _
  Value:=ControlValue(control:=![Hyperlink in textbox], UseDisplayValue:=False)
pfr.FillListFromArray Bookmark:="ListofReasonssubform", _
  Array1D:=ValuesInSubFormColumn(control:=![List of Reasons subform], _
pfr.AddHyperlink Bookmark:="Moreinfo", Value:=ControlValue(control:=![More info], _
pfr.FillElement Bookmark:="Contact", Value:=ControlValue(control:=![Contact])
pfr.FillPictureFromAttachment Bookmark:="Icon", control:=![Icon]


Bookmarks normally correspond to the name of the field or control that provides the data. Bookmarks are strings like [CompanyID] with square brackets surrounding the bookmarkname. They are simply intended to be replaced by a data value.


Adds a hyperlink on the bookmarked place

Public Sub AddHyperlink(Bookmark As String, Value As Variant, _ 
    Optional ParseValue As Boolean = False, Optional TextToDisplay As String, _
                                  Optional SubAddress As String)


Sets default available property

Public Function ApplyBoolean(Bookmark As String, _
      Value As Boolean)



Public Sub FillElement(Bookmark As String, Value As String)



Public Sub FillListFromArray(Bookmark As String, Array1D As Variant)


Fills the bookmark with an OLEObject from a file.

Public Sub FillOLEObject(Bookmark As String, _
                              FileName As String)


Fills a bookmark with a Picture from file. Returns a PowerPoint.Shape.

Public Function FillPicture(Bookmark As String, ImageFile As String, _ 
  Optional MainResize As dcResizeMain = ResizeWidth) As PowerPoint.Shape


FillPictureFromAttachment. As PowerPoint.Shape

Public Function FillPictureFromAttachment(Bookmark As String, control As Attachment, _ 
  Optional MainResize As dcResizeMain = ResizeWidth, Optional Wrap As String) As PowerPoint.Shape


Fill Table From Array

Public Sub FillTableFromArray(Bookmark As String, var2D As Variant, Optional ColumnOrder As String)

Presentation (Set/Get )

Set the (new) Presentation to add data from the Access database in.

Public Property Set Presentation(rData As PowerPoint.Presentation)
Public Property Get Presentation() As PowerPoint.Presentation