Specify preferences for different features of 4TOPS Document Creation using Microsoft Access. Most below pages concern default settings of the document creation process used in the wizard.
Template path

The wizard proposes names for new processes. On this preference dialog page you can specify the default proposed names for the process procedure and friendly name.
You can in the wizard alter the proposed names.

Automatic saving of documents is an important possible benefit of VBA code generated by the wizard. Keeping the normally used choices in the preferences makes specifying the document saving process simpler and more consistent.

The formatting expressions are used in the generated lines of code, e.g for text in bookmarked location in document
wfr.FillElement Bookmark:="DueDate", Value:=ControlValue(Control:=![Due Date],& _
Format:="dd mmm yy")
or as part of the filename
strFileName = ReplaceIllegalCharacters(ControlValue(![CustomerID]), "_") & _
ControlValue(![Invoice Date], Format:="yymmdd")
Note that you are free to change the expression used in a specific line any way you like.


Determine which items you want included in the Document Creation ribbon tab. Note that when the Access application is saved as accde only the Use group items remain visible, as the other groups are for changing the system which is not possible in accde.